"Palmun erehdys on kyllä yksi Suomalaisen elokuvan tukipilareita. Välistä voi jopa sellaisia Hitchcock maisia jännityksen nostattajia nähdä. Hyvä ettei unholaan ole näitä Trenssitakkeihin puke"
"Some of those titles like gandhi and the others are so old that i presume that no pictures are gonna be found. I´ll be udpating this list."
"Man this has to be one of my favorite lists in listal."
"I dont think that Halle has got a boob job. Those pictures was taken when she was pregnant."
"Yeah some of these titles are not yet added on listal."
"Ei kyllä parhaat naurut tulivat Unstoppable elokuvan kohdalla."
""Cooler 10 days, Hilts." "Captain Hilts." "20 days." "Right.""
"I think this was the list compiled from readers votes. I know that because i voted on this:D"
"Blood Diamond is very strong film and good to see that im not the only one who keeps it in high value."
"Tom Cruise and Penelope did not dated that long. Infact Tom got engaded to Katie Holmes in 2005."
"En nyt kerinnyt kaikkia kommentteja lukemaan, mutta ainakin mielestäni tuo Ihmisen pojat voisi olla erilailla kuin mitä sinulla on tuolla käännettynä. Koska miehestä siinä ei ole kyse vaan ihmi"
"U know whats fake. This list and the fact that´s its stolen from empireonline.com. U should try to make your own list. Then i might even vote for this."